Business Services

Our Business Services Department takes care of all the financial needs of our school district. The business staff ensures that our vendors and employees are billed and paid promptly, we adhere to our budget, schools receive necessary supplies and materials on time, and that our financial operations are conducted in a transparent and responsible manner.

Request for Proposals

None are available at this time.

For questions or more information please contact the Business Office at (928) 537-6011.

Business Services Staff

Shalee Davis
Business Manager
P: (928) 537-6011, Ext. 1006 or option 3

Pamela Villarreal
Payroll/Benefits Specialist
P: (928) 537-6001 Ext. 1051

Sherri Turley
Finance & Compliance Specialist
P: (928) 537-6001 Ext. 1019

Monique Matheson
Accounts Payable and Fixed Assets
P: (928) 537-6001 Ext. 1011

Kristi Smith
Student Accounts Finance Specialist
P: (928) 537-6001 Ext. 1008

Paul Layton
District Warehouse
P: (928) 537-6048

Financial Reports

Open Bids

From time to time, we look to hire services and purchase goods from registered vendors. Open Bids will be listed here.

Vendor Information
